Friday, April 22, 2011

Claire's 8th Month

Time is really flying by! I can't believe it! Claire is already 9 months old. We have been in our new rental house for 3 weeks now and LOVE IT! It is so much bigger, brighter, and cozy. We are about 6 minutes away from both sets of parents and see a lot more of them now. Claire has been busy, busy, busy! She is still NOT crawling yet, but she can get to where ever she wants to go. She hasn't gotten her tummy off the floor yet. These are some things she likes to do:

* Take baths in the big tub with all her toys
* Eating Rice Chex Cereal non-stop all day (if I let her, which I don't)
* Playing with her daddy
* Pulling Paisley's hair
* Cry fake cries to make mommy hold her a lot!
* Eat tons of food including avocado, banana, sweet potatoes, carrots, apples and blueberries, chex, rice krispies, and gnaw on carrot sticks.
* Drink juice! Which she only gets to help keep her regular. Prune juice mixed with a little apple juice and a lot of water!
* Dump her basket of toys over and go through them all and then act like she has nothing to play with
* Still loves nursing
* Likes to imitate us.
*She shakes her head and squishes her nose and says dadda, or baba or bop.
* Likes to go out anywhere to be out of the house and watch people!
* Likes to put food in her mouth herself. Sometimes if we do it, she will spit it out so she can put it back in

She is so much better at going to sleep now, and slept through the night almost her whole 8th month (since March 27th). She still loves her blankie her Great Grandma Warner made her. She is a happy little girl! She still loves her naps. She takes 2-3 naps a day. Each lasting anywhere from 20 minutes - 2 hours. Usually 40 min AM nap and 1 1/2 hour PM nap, sometimes another nap if she's growing a lot! We love her to pieces! I didn't get many pictures of her this past month, because we were busy packing, moving, and un-packing. She still has hardly any hair, but it is starting to grow in! :)

She crawled across the room just to play by Paisley

She still only has 2 teeth on the bottom. I finally got a shot of them!

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