Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Claire's 9th Month

I can't believe it's time to blog again already! The past month went by so fast! Claire is doing great. It seems like she grew up a lot this month. Her understanding and response has really developed. She knows No and Stop (which we have to say all the time, she loves pulling the dog's hair and getting into the dog bowls) And she has become more independent. She loves exploring and being creative and playing by herself a lot more now. She says a lot of different combinations of sounds and really likes to babble all the time! I think she's gonna be a talker! She still doesn't have much hair, but it's starting to really fill in in the back and on get kinda long just on the crown of her head. She loves going for walks in her big 3 wheel stroller a friend gave us. She just thinks Paisley is the coolest thing since Pacifiers. :) She is still nursing and still loves to pull my hair, which still hurts! She loves when her Daddy comes home and has big smiles! Claire eats a ton of food! She loves avocados and can eat an entire one by herself in one sitting! She still loves chex and bananas as her other favorites! She learned how to be chased and crawl away about 2 moves and then she lays her head down on the floor and waits for us to come get her and laughs! She just started laughing a lot more. The acid reflux and hiccups don't get her every time she laughs anymore so she doesn't try not to laugh. She has been taking around a 40-80 minute morning nap and a 40-90 minute afternoon nap. Usually an hour each.Church is at 1:00pm and Claire can't make it through without her nap, so she and I are having to come home early to take a nap. If I stay too long, then she is too tired and won't take a nap and just be awake and fussy and grumpy so we are still trying to time it right. She learned to sit up on her knees to play with things and pull up on the couch and other places when she was almost 10 months. I hope she walks soon! Or at least before our family reunion in July. :) She has got quite the feisty personality and is a lot of fun to be around! Love this girlie tons!

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